our team
Omar Crespo Cardona
Co-founder; Design, Facilitation, Community Work
Omar is a design education agent and social entrepreneur whose focus is on enabling others to work more creatively together. His well-developed sense for aesthetics and functional design make him an excellent designer and his social skills allow him to connect people in a rather special way to develop innovative solutions collaboratively.
Majo Sáenz
Experience Coordinator; Facilitation, Community Work
Majo is a product designer and a social entrepreneur who believes people are the center of all created through design. She’s passionate about diversity in culture, thought, and experiences. Loves to teach, learn, and guide others to do better.
Oscar Quan
Co-founder; Facilitation
Oscar is a designer, entrepreneur and serious maker. His knowledge of materials, skills in prototyping and analytical thinking make him a great problem solver and mentor. His commitment to teach and inspire others is as big as his curiosity and passion for experimentation and continuous learning.
Rosa Nimacachí Local Innovator; Design, Community Work
Rosa is a connector. A caring soul and collective thinker. She is a wonderfully skilled artisan and entrepreneur. Her appetite for new experiences and hunger for learning match her passion for teaching and commitment to her community.
We can all be Designers.
We help individuals and teams become more innovative by empowering them and activating the creative potential within us all. We work to make design education accessible to everyone. From corporate teams to rural communities, we seek design education for all.
Diversity makes us better.
Through our immersive design experiences, Link4 creates spaces for non traditional relationships through multicultural, multi sectoral and multidisciplinary exchange that stimulates creativity and collaboration.
Working with people is better than working for them.
Our programs help transform the way people interact and work together so everyone is engaged and included, while much better results are achieved. Link4 partners with key stakeholders to generate value by co-creating solutions through participatory processes.
We recognize the massive importance of international support and collaboration but we also see the urgent need for local actors from public, social, business and academic sectors to be connected through impactful projects to promote local innovation and sustainable development from a local perspective.