StoryTelling Cube - Instruction Guide
Storytelling Cube - Avatars
The Storytelling Cube is an empathy and collaboration tool. Each face of the cube will guide you through an insightful individual journey that will later become your own story to share. As you go through it, remain insanely curious about yourself and others - you never know what new perspectives you might discover! On the Cube you will find post-it notes - each with a different prompt on it. Respond to each one of them by following the next steps. Be playful, think like a child and free your imagination. There are no rights or wrongs here, just pure exploration! So keep a beginner’s mind, open your ears, think with your hands and have fun!
Let’s add some identity to our cube. Draw your own avatar on the frontal face (the one with a body silhouette attached to it). Don’t worry too much about aesthetics, it’s not about how well you can draw as much as about the elements you choose to represent yourself. Go as detailed as you can in at least 10 minutes of focused work. Wait until you have filled all post-its before folding it into a cube.
Home is where the heart is.
What places, people or emotional states represent home to you? Write or draw your response on the post-it note.
If the figure on the post-it represents a conflict, where would you position yourself? On the post-it note, map out your relationship with conflict and how you usually deal with it.
Which of the following are you more of? Written communication or in-person communication? Verbal communication or non verbal? Are you more of a talker or a listener? Draw a mark on each spectrum diagram to state your position.
Human needs.
According to Robbins Research there are 6 human needs. We all have all of them. However,every person tends to value two needs more than the rest. Read about them below, reflect and write your two top choices on the post-it.
Certainty: the need for structure and assurance that you are in control
Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others
Folding the Cube.
After filling all the post-it prompts, carefully fold the tabs and faces by the dotted edges. Fold each piece in a direction away from you. Then, insert the tabs into the corresponding slots until the cube is formed. Start from the bottom of your cube and work your way up.